Our solutions
Living Cultural Solutions provide solutions to meet different needs:

Unconscious Bias
“This two-day workshop, Unconscious Bias (UB) training is designed to help staff/workers/team-leaders optimise the benefit of working in or building a diverse workforce. With the workplace becoming increasingly diverse, more and more the modern worker is thrown together with co-workers from different backgrounds and identities. Unaware of their biases, the worker may unwittingly perpetuate attitudes of discrimination on the basis on “race”, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or other protected categories. UB training will enable the worker to develop the knowledge and ability to mitigate the effect of rampant biases when working in a diverse setting.”
Racism Awareness for managers
“The objective of the course is to raise awareness of the emergence of racism as a modern problem and to help participants define racism and to identify and respond appropriately to a racist incident in the workplace. The training will equip mangers with the knowledge to understand racism and help them develop skills needed to create a workplace culture where racism is not tolerated”
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Training for Businesses
Cultural Awareness in Business
We design and deliver training for companies setting up business overseas, companies with a culturally diverse workforce, as well as for those serving a mixture of
Training for the Community Sector
Developing Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence is the ability to relate effectively to people of different cultures. With increasing cultural diversity, some communities and community organizations find it difficult to include and work with people from other cultures, due to lack of understanding, uncertainty and fear. Through the carefully designed and sensitive training we deliver, we enable organizations to overcome cultural barriers, improve cross-cultural communication and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are necessary for increasing their cultural competence.
Public Sector Training
Culture-Sensitive Service Delivery
Public sector and statutory agencies serving a culturally diverse customer-base will require a number of key actions, on which we base the design and delivery of our culture-sensitive training. These actions include proper cultural assessment, the development of relevant cultural knowledge, effective cross-cultural communication and an appreciation for cultural values and norms. Our culture-sensitive training will enable your organization to deliver a more culturally appropriate service.
Training for the Education Sector
Cultural Awareness in Schools
Cultural values, cultural norms and cultural assumptions play an important role, not only in the way we teach but also in the way we learn. However, not all students and teachers are aware of this. In the cultural awareness training we design and deliver to schools, we assist teachers and students improve their intercultural knowledge and skills and apply these to teaching and learning. Our training facilitates the development of an atmosphere in which difference is appreciated, learning is enhanced and in which stereotyping, racism and bullying are reduced.
Intercultural Skills for the Workplace (ISW)
Giving you competitive advantage!
Taking culture for granted can be very costly in monetary terms. Our Intercultural Skills for the Workplace (ISW) training is designed to build your cultural competence by focusing on cultures and cultural norms, cultures and Cultural behaviour, business & culture, and steps to cultural competence. Cultural Competence is the ability and willingness to act appropriately when doing business with people of different cultures. It will provide awareness of how cultures function in the global market, knowledge of how cultures affect decision-making in the purchasing of goods and services, focus on the ability to communicate more effectively across cultures, manage intercultural conflicts in the workplace and solve problems related to intercultural communication.
Managing Diversity in the Workplace (MDW)
Diversity Management is the intentional development of a managerial process that values and accepts differences as an asset of the organization. A process which engages differences to create added value and give the company a competitive edge. Our MDW training looks at the grounds for discrimination in law, how to deal with racial discrimination, gender and other discriminations, interculturalism & Business. MDW provides awareness of how managing diversity improves market position, knowledge of how managing diversity impacts staff recruitment & retention, develops the skills to function more effectively in a diverse global market and those needed to develop a diversity-friendly organisation
Relocation training
Have you ever wondered whether your workers have the full range of cultural skills needed to interface effectively with the ever-increasing global market and the multicultural workforce in which companies operate? Living Cultural Solutions Ltd can help you address the deficit in the company’s cultural knowledge and skills. We are a company specializing in cultural awareness building, backed by over 20 years experience in education and training. Drawing on our extensive experience, our objective is to help you resolve intercultural conflicts so that you make the most of cultural differences.
Working for leading relocations companies in Europe and the United States of America, we help staff to adjust to their work environment in a new culture. We will enable you develop your intercultural skill-set to improve cross-cultural communication in company mergers and staff relocations.
Cultural competence training for hotel staff
Hotels tend to have many cultures among their staff and among their customers. This leads to the need to manage culturally diverse teams, but also for cultural knowledge and skills to meet customers’ needs. Our training help you to change Attitude putting your visitor’s culture at centre of service delivery and giving weight to having a culturally competent workplace. It also increases the knowledge of cultural habits in specific markets, including the local market, how cultures function in tourism, how to develop policies and strategies to address cultural competence in the workplace, and how to conduct a cultural readiness audit. By the end of the training you will have improved your ability to break into cultural mind-set in new markets and make culturally appropriate changes in dealing with guests.